TagAge Service aux entreprises

WIMA Monaco 11-13 April : TagAge is a brand and collection of services owned by Finland based Hansaprint
At our stand you have a chance to see samples of NFC products: bulk tag, Smart Label, Label-on-Metal, window sticker, business card etc.
The ordering channels, TagAge.net and TagAge Mobile, will be demonstrated too. TagAge Mobile is now ready for Android !
Come to our stand to test and touch NFC products and do some shopping during the WIMA event !
Monaco 11-13 April 2012
At our stand you have a chance to see samples of NFC products: bulk tag, Smart Label, Label-on-Metal, window sticker, business card etc.
The ordering channels, TagAge.net and TagAge Mobile, will be demonstrated too. TagAge Mobile is now ready for Android !
Come to our stand to test and touch NFC products and do some shopping during the WIMA event !
Monaco 11-13 April 2012
Horaires d'ouverture : You can order on line on tagage.net day and night .
Artukaistentie 10 20240 Turku
le flux : NFC tag contactless print Hansaprint inlay 2D barecode
profil : Service Turku Service aux entreprises
profil : Service Turku Service aux entreprises